Saturday, 25 June 2016

Fate and soul

When you go deep inside your head, you discover things.Things which you never thought you will think of. Peeping into your own soul you will encounter a lovely tree,the tree of spirituality. It's roots go deep down, it saps the energy from the positive thoughts you build up. It's what strengthens you. The branches of the tree bear fruits, fruits in the form of happiness. The leaves are the hope which keeps us alive. Your true nature determines the beauty of that tree. In the woods of souls, the brightest of the trees are the ones which glow within a pure heart. These trees are harboured within a bubble of love,care and a pinch of warmth. The tree of spirituality can surprise you, it can leave you on a path totally unknown to you, a path which leads to serenity down within your soul, it can leave you with the tiniest essence of love. Love not for others but for you. In the path of discovery of your own self you may encounter fate. Like a charming mistress it approaches the deepest roots of your tree. Sometimes it plays cards with you. It is then upto you to decide whether to continue the same game or to make your own version. It is then that you need to hold the sword of decision and put it in the right direction to pave ways for you. Fate is not easy to come to terms with. But it needs to be tackled with the utmost sincerity and will. If not then it might be the one overpowering you in your own life. It is not the others you need to look for love, warmth and happiness. Indeed it is you who need to take the charge of your own life. It is you who need to manifest control, power, love and care at the same instant. For your soul is not just a mere manifestation of your self, rather it is a rare jewel, which once lost can't be returned back and the body is just an accessory to your soul. It is ever changing. But your soul is not. Your soul is the thing which stays with you from your birth till your death. It is not affordable, not even by the royalties, not even by the lords. In the garden of souls, fate is just a storm, it comes and leaves. Only you have the power to abdicate the power of fate and take your throne there in the woods.


  1. In the garden of the souls, fate is just a storm - love this

  2. In the garden of the souls, fate is just a storm - love this
